Saturday, May 10, 2014

the surveyors world super-defeat series!!!!!

more super-heroes facing super-defeat! in these one shot live action photo-stories! watch for them both when they debut on the surveyors deviantart page!

the next in the series, features a super-powered android created by a team of super-scientists
who met their fate at the hands of an evil villain! it is now up to avenge-droid to stop and defeat this villainous virus master-mind that can cyber-stream his diabolical deeds at a whim! the avenge-droid must infiltrate his super-computer lair and put an end to his evil! but will he succeed????
in a world gone mad with the living dead, one unwillingly soul stumbles upon an invincible skeleton costume! where it came from and how it came to be is a mystery! but the hero known as the skeleton doesnt take any chances upon leaving a secret goverment base to do battle with the living dead! only one mad doctor knows the cure and it is up to the skeleton to stop him! but will he ever get to him in time????
see them both at the surveyors deviantart page soon!

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