Thursday, October 18, 2012


That ghastly crimson crusader is back! after escaping and defeating the mesmerizing powers of the evil FEARSKULL, THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE last ventured to the sea of the damned! in search of another member of the villainous fiend-force, the ghastly hero falls into a trap set by his tentacled foe GORAK! as gorak's powerful tentacles ooze with energy draining slime, THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE is soon made helpless by this tentacled terror! what dangers await in the ghost ship of the damned? will the ghastly hero escape and defeat the evil gorak???? or.. end up trapped forever inside the sea of the damned??? find out very soon in the longly-awaited... THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE issue 2!!!! found only here in THE SURVEYORS WORLD OF SUPER-DEFEAT!!!!

In addition, the CRIMSOM SPECTRE collectible figurines will be made available soon afterwards! as the first in the SURVEYORS WORLD OF SUPER-HEROES line! the CRIMSOM SPECTRE will include an accessory for super-defeat and a full color mini-comic! so be sure to check back here soon, as they become available!

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