Saturday, August 18, 2012


More super-defeat and superheroes coming your way!!!! GUARDAEON issue 5 is currently in production as well as THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE ISSUE 2( action figure shown above). PHANTASMASK issue 2 is in preparation for production and an all new superhero one shot that may appear as in part of THE SURVEYORS DIGEST OF SUPER-DEFEAT VOLUME 2!!! who is this new superhero??? keep checking back here for further details!!!! as well as the release of the SURVEYORS WORLD OF SUPER-HEROES action figures!!!! yes, originally planned for release as a whole(phantom shadow, guardaeon and the crimsom spectre)but production has been long delayed. therefore, figures are planned to be released on a monthly basis begining with THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE!!! each will be packaged with accessory for super-defeat and a full colour mini-comic!!! also, a crimsom spectre 8' action figure(shown above) is also planned for release as part of the THE SURVEYORS WORLD masters edition!!! check back here as more super-defeat is coming soooon!!!

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