Friday, April 13, 2012


THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE issue 1 picks up right where THE SURVEYORS DIGEST OF SUPER-DEFEAT left off!!!! yes, the red ghastly superhero was left powerless against fearskulls impossible fear-ray!!!! now with the CRIMSOM SPECTRE in his posession what does this diabolical villain intend to do with this phantastic superhero???? and could it be an ending at just the begining of the CRIMSOM SPECTREs live action comic debut???? will our hero defeat fearskull before its too late or remain a powerless slave who will side with the villainous fiend force???? the answer to these thrilling questions will be found out VERY soon in this awesome collectors item first issue of THE CRIMSOM SPECTRE!!!! eeriely coming at you from scimoc comics and only found here in THE SURVEYORS WORLD OF SUPER-DEFEAT!!!!

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